Friday, August 13, 2010

diSadVAntageS oF faST fooD...

Fast food

Fast food is usually described as food that is prepared quickly in a restaurant kitchen.

Fast food 1 Fast food 3

Fast food 5 Fast food 6

Consumption of fast food has many disadvantages including high calories, sodium and fat content. Think carefully when you order from a fast-food restaurant. Look for items that fewer calories and more nutrition.

High in Sodium::

-> Many fast-food items are high in sodium. Consuming too much salt can contribute to high blood pressure water retention and obesity. Diners are often tempted to add additional salt to fast food items such as French fries.

High in Fats::
-> Fast foods such as cheeseburgers, milk shakes and chicken nuggets are often loaded with fat. Many fast food restaurants increase the fat content in items even further by using cooking methods such as deep frying in saturated oils. Ground beef patties are cooked on a frying pan surface covered with butter or other saturated and unhealthy oils like lard or cottonseed oils.

Highly Caloric::

-> Items like hot dogs, shakes, fried chicken and fried fish are filled with calories. It is not uncommon for a single meal consisting of a cheeseburger, fries and a shake to have the equivalent of an entire or even two days' worth of calories. Even healthier choices such as salads can be filled with calories if you top them with dressing and bacon bits

Sugary Drinks::

-> Typical drink offerings include soda, shakes and fruit juices. Beverages like these are often filled with sugar. Too much consumption of liquid calories can easily and nearly unknowingly lead to obesity.

Unhealthy Diet::

-> Many menu choices lack nutrition. The focus of the meal is usually on proteins cooked in fat and preserved meats. Items rarely incorporate whole grains, lean proteins, fresh vegetables and varied fruits that are necessary for a balanced and healthy diet

Eating on the Run::

-> Eating fast food encourages people to eat on the go. Diners are encouraged to eat quickly and then leave the premises or eat while doing something else. This can discourage an appreciation for food and reduce time spent communicating with family members around a dinner table. People who eat quickly tend to consume calories mindlessly. This can easily lead to overeating

To summarize, fast food can lead many disease in our body...we can take the fast food but must in the small amount only..

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